Dividing opinions

Do we really know what we want?

No sure. We are too easy to lose ourselves especially when we are at big cities, where people packed like sardines. Then we forget trees are green, birds sing, morning glory blossoms, and warm water run through the red bridge. Life is not easy; it is a verity never understood when we were at kindergarten. There are too many sad people – one needs a job, one has to find a new job, one has a job but needs lover, one has a job and a lover but needs friends; one wants good grades, one dreams money, one prays for health…There is never ending circle of desire to be fulfilled.

L’elan Vital thinks - Trying is the 1st step towards failure.
New Order answers - If you don’t try, how will you know?
Giardini di Mirò sings - Dividing opinions all we are.

In the dark night, what could you see through the glass window? Is it the bright light, or only the reflection?

Don’t think we can change the weather, even Hancock can’t (maybe his partner can), but what we can change is our mood.


Anonymous said...

异国的天空不好飞, 我为你加油!

Anonymous said...

The sky you can see from now is not only one. could read what you're thinking now... changing the current life is not easy, but there's no way to miss a chance to the next positively.

Just Go for it!!

David said...

After talking to an old friend of mine via email, I was told that I am either more mature or more melancholy. He can't tell, and probably I also don't know...

Thanks guys, sincerely... XD