Love Is A Mixtape

What is a mixtape?

A mixtape is a compilation of songs recorded in a specific order, traditionally onto a compact audio cassette. A mixtape, which usually reflects the musical tastes of its compiler, can range from a casually selected list of favorite songs, to a conceptual mix of songs linked by a theme or mood, to a highly personal statement tailored to the tape's intended recipient (From Wikipedia).

I made myself the first mixtape using my parents’ massive old style Hi-Fi system at home, when I was 16. Now looking back, really want to give a laugh about how I did it. By using the cassette machine’s live recording function, audio was recorded in real time when the CD player played songs, and I paused the tape and changed CD after each song. Can’t remember why I did it and what songs I compiled, only the sense of satisfaction and electrification left in my brain.

Nowadays, an era even compact disc diminishes, there is no room available for cassette. But it won’t be an obstacle stopping us from making personal mixtape. Well, we likely do it online then.

I have been introducing music here for a while now but rarely provide actual music for listening pleasure. So here we are.

This is my mixtape about Love, for you, who understands me:



PS: Every mixtape is unique, fulfilled with emotion and dream. So make one by yourself! (


Anonymous said...

just want to give you a big smile :)

Anonymous said...

mixtape... um... so meaningful, but you're being addicted by music from various viewpoints